Never surrender until you succeed and be prepared face the disappointment

 Never surrender

In some cases an individual sees the consequence of numerous endeavors. That the overabundance is gone, I have really buckled down for a long time, Never surrender I lack any outcomes, what are the products of difficult work, misuse of the products of difficult work, see the value of your karma. Where did the bows of two or four Hajib's lips remain? He was a socialist. I won't actually name names. However, that. These are similar progressives since they likewise have a progressive belief system. A mishap or suspicion of a disappointment happened. Along these lines, this yield will be annihilated this time also, to encourage our associates. All the difficult work in the first part of the day and night will be valued even at this point.

Disappointment will return in the future

The expressions of my prophet's natural products that came here. All the difficult work morning and night will be detested even at this point. Then fill the dirt with your blood, then water the dirt with tears, then, at that point, stress over the following blood. Then stress over the following blood. At the point when a yield is ready, it is full. It ups to that point, this. One objective is to lay out a demonstrated transformation. An endeavor might come up short. Couldn't care less, in the future, don't be prepared for disappointment, don't allow it to work out, as is commonly said in English, for something good, be profound, don't allow it to happen that you bomb a subsequent time, and change. May your boldness reply. No, be ready ahead of time that disappointment will come back in the future. So indeed, yet we need to do this until progress is accomplished.

Muslims in Badr

Find in the life story whether this episode was won by the Muslims in Badr, then Zakat showed up in Uhud, and whether 70 sidekicks were martyred. If not, assuming that their boldness had been replied, how might the vehicle run? So he said. We will test you with dread, destitution, hunger, death toll, loss of property, and loss of difficult work. O Prophet, give happy news to the individuals who show restraint, that when any aggravation, inconvenience, or preliminary comes to pass for them, they ought to say this. That we have a place with Allah. Getting back to Allah is the same way.

What I presented a Persian sonnet to you is give up. Who is feeling great? He is our Mullah. In the event that he supports us, this is all there is to it. So we additionally had a similar psyche.

Muhammad Ali Johar

Pay attention to another sonnet and whose is it? Muhammad Ali Johar was imprisoned once. One of his young girls became sick and kicked the bucket. The English left out. Bhai covered his two girls and went to prison for the subsequent time. The other youthful little girl experienced a similar illness. Presently she is in prison, the news arrived at that the other little girl has additionally been gone after by a similar sickness. A sonnet has been composed.

The last refrain of which is this. We support wellbeing, yet on the off chance that we don't endorse it, then we don't support it by the same token. Except if this is the situation. An individual can't stay undaunted in this field. On the off chance that my Ruler endorses it. So this is the very thing that I support. Furthermore, on the off chance that we need your wellbeing, obviously, however our Master doesn't support. So kindly acknowledge us also Ruler. The individuals who have favors and endowments from their Ruler. What's more, those are individuals who will find success.

Surah Al-Baqarah

In a similar Surah Al-Baqarah, the direction of the people who get direction, this is the 20th bow. The nineteenth bow is the principal section of the 21st bow. Every one of the subjects that were referenced in Surah Al-Asr are available in it. The word confidence is there. Five beliefs have been depicted here. Activities have been portrayed and the last thing has been finished there. Furthermore, the genuine integrity of the people who show restraint is for the individuals who show restraint. Which, during the conflict, the molecule is called Basa. Destitution and starvation will be solitary. Basa will mean conflict and basa will be plural. Thus, the people who show restraint in destitution and yearning, and the individuals who show restraint in the midst of war, are duplicated by craving, neediness, and the smallest actual aggravation.

What is persistence

These are the patient individuals. These are the honest. The people who are firm in their cases and of confidence. Furthermore, those are individuals. The devout is the following surah. Surah Al-Imran has two words in it. Last Ayatollah, see persistence and tolerance here, which is connected with Jihad and Jihad. That is persistence and resistance. Persistence is a one-way process. What is persistence and tolerance? What is the opposition of persistence with tolerance?

I used to let you know how Allah shared with the Muslims, Muslims, you have gotten Zakat. 70 of them were not killed. Their assurance in Badr didn't drop.

70 of them were not killed in Badr, which is their assurance. They are not low. They went to go after you the following year, for what reason are you so awful, for what reason are your hearts so injured It harms you. So they likewise get their pride, we ought to analyze it.

What number of penances individuals are making for misleading goals?

What number of individuals are attempting to advance bogus things as I said a little while ago? To challenge this respect, what number of Qadian young people dedicate themselves to religion to energize the significance of religion? What's more, how youthful would you say you are? For the people who commit themselves to religion and eat and drink, it isn't so much that that in the event that no other person can make it happen, this is all there is to it. That he ought to take part in crafted by religion. Individuals with the capacity to eat and drink, individuals with mental capacities, and individuals from high families, set aside a few minutes for themselves for religion, how might they go out without it? It has been said that Muslims assuming you are battling for Tawheed, you won't see it.

Why Abu Jahl was decapitated

Abu Jahl was decapitated by him for polytheism. So don't be prepared to cut your neck. Did he cut his neck or not and how could he cut it? Since he was an exceptionally haughty pharaoh-type individual, when he began cutting his neck, he said. Just cut from the base so that when you mount the lance, my head will look high. It is known that the top of the reprobate, even while biting the dust, ought to remember this state, he said. In the event that you don't forfeit more than them. What ought to be noted is that assuming it is the obligation of Allah to beat reality, He will beat it single-handedly. They comprehend that you just have to endure. Might there be any force of lie contrasted with Allah?

The trial of your confidence

This is the trial of your genuineness. This is your test confirmation required. That Allah needs to see. So be prepared to forfeit your lives for it. No, you will burn through cash on it. Be prepared or not and know that assuming the unbelievers and polytheists and nonbelievers and those with misleading thoughts are giving penances for their bogus thoughts, you won't give more than them. So reality won't win. The persistence they have had.

Take on the devotion of Allah.

On the off chance that you don't show more persistence with your misleading thoughts. He won't beat his right, so he said. Not exclusively to be patient yet to show restraint, to stretch out beyond your adversaries. Be more tolerant than their understanding. Be cautious, be mindful so as not to be this way. That the foe who is there is a careless assault on you. Plunk down and take on the devotion of Allah.

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