There is such a lot of misery in human existence do you have at least some idea why

 what is the misery in human existence?

Simply concentrate on this refrain now, what is the bitterness in human existence? See, first I will draw your consideration. Simply open your eyes and notice humanity with a delicate heart. How much difficult work is difficult to do? Which is the predetermination of each and every person is a finished surah in the Blessed Qur'an. We made man in labor. This work is the fate of each and every person. Individuals leave their homes and go any place they go. In this world, work and work become a deception. Perhaps those living in these areas have no difficulties, they have no aggravation. In any case, this isn't the truth.

More extravagant life and Unfortunate life

The more extravagant you will be, you will see. His actual work is less and his psychological strength is more. They need pattern colliders. They need Santos. Dreams and drugs won't ever be required by the worker. He rests like this subsequent to laboring for eight hours. That he will get the news toward the beginning of the day. Furthermore, these are individuals. The people who have investigation dreams and medications Seltose unfortunate medications this Lablim and this Valium and this and this and this and this the amount they cost. Mental harmony and fulfillment are not accomplished by a person, obliviousness is actual work. One's psychological effort.

Instance of Gautama Buddha

I need to remind you. The Instance of Gautama Buddha At 30 years old, the sovereign of the Kapil Vaslas left the castle. The young fellow left his significant other dozing. A royal residence tenant living in the capital, with the exception of a baby youngster, who realizes this.That I will get this realm after my dad. For what reason did you at any point imagine that he saw the misery and distress of man? He saw a visually impaired man staggering and falling. A parent standing and crying. Also, before their eyes, their cherished youngster is biting the dust. Also, he can do nothing, he thought why this shock isn't worth the effort? There is likewise a type of help from this injury.

Eight hours of difficult work

An incredible larger part of individuals are not.The expressions of Shah Waliullah Dehlavi. That they live by being a stacked camel and a cow bull. Who is breaking blocks for eight hours? Around then the creative mind was lost whether he was a person or he had turned into a monster. And, surprisingly, following eight hours of difficult work, I may not get sufficient bread for two dinners. Also, it could conceivably happen that assuming the youngster is wiped out, one will be unable to supply the medication without selling the pot.

What number of weights did such an individual vibe, how much work before the camel and the bull of Golu living at the level of the incredible larger part of people? In any case, you realize that work is work for a bull, not its sentiments, which are the injury they cause to man. A bull couldn't care less in the event that it had a child, or on the other hand in the event that it didn't have a fever, or what occurred. That bull is saved from that injury. The pony has no clue about that I have any posterity. Or then again not. Furthermore, I'm stunned by it. Or then again miserable.

Guardians matter in youngster assurance

In any case, the question of man is that the guardians need to see all the affliction. For their youngsters, rest around evening time is taboo. Since the kid is experiencing fever or torment. I once saw you saying in Lahore. Around then, lamp oil had not yet delivered needle gas, and more often than not lamp fuel was utilized as fuel. His shorts are finished. There used to be lines a few furlongs in length. Outside these shops, outside warehouses, and such scenes.

A lady wearing a burqa was holding a kid in her lap. Holding one's finger, holding a container of oil in the hand, it will represent numerous hours. This is the work of man. Be there now. They neglect, generally the occasion is that the heart is delicate. Furthermore, the jail, the disgrace, the despondency both are one. Indeed, the question of creatures is simple according to one more perspective. Is there any bookkeeping or responsibility for them? This is the awfulness of man, this is the misfortune

Companion of Muhamad S.A.W

He likewise expressed this by swearing in a surah of the Sacred Quran. O person, your misfortune is a lot more noteworthy than this. You, enduring injury upon injury, persevering through difficulty upon difficulty, will one day stand within the sight of your Master. When you do likewise, as indicated by this day, as per this day, who is the extraordinary gatekeeper of our Ummah? You probably read this about them. Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique may Allah be satisfied with him, he was a researcher of a peculiar Kaif. I want to be a straw of grass.

From this, nobody in the first part of the day feels that Hazrat Umar who is grave tension at the hour of his passing, and his child Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Umar (RA) who is his head.

Hazrat Umar says that Allah All-powerful provided you with the uplifting news of Heaven in this world through the Sacred Prophet. By God, in the event that upon the arrival of Qiyaamah, a daily existence equivalent to Sarabar was missed, then, at that point, this sensation of extraordinary achievement will be felt by the people who will. What will be going on of Hazrat Ali? Hazrat Ali said, "Indeed, let me be. I'm requesting the goal of petition." Or read the expectation of supplication. Then they shuddered. Before whom do I represent work and before whom I should stand one day to reply.

Five Inquiries After Deathearnings

The Heavenly Prophet informed. Ibn Adam's feet can not move. As the crook remains inside the enclosure, he can not move out of the enclosure. Regardless of whether the five things are not considered. So what are those five things? Open your ears and pay attention to the computation old enough.

1. These 80 years and 70 years we gave you on the planet, where did they vanish?

2. Also, particularly the time of youth is the day of yearnings. There is strength and energy. Kills. The power that is there knows its appearance. Where did this young spend a solitary second,

3. where did he bring in cash from? I have four inquiries concerning the religion of Allah, the installment of privileges in great deeds.

4. where to spend your procuring on fortunate or unfortunate work.

5. The information acquired. Furthermore, the start of the cycle has not even occurred. It is this information. It will end up being the greatest catastrophe on this day. Such a lot of information and practice is something as opposed to being a wellspring of grades. turns into a charge account.

Human misfortune

This feeling of responsibility causes the awfulness of man, which is double. From that point onward, there is no responsibility. Ghalib has likewise said it well. This is a human misfortune.

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