Human life cycle from child to old and then death

 What occur from youngster to teen?

It is the early time of the youngster. Then he doesn't have anything to do with Human existence cycle. He doesn't have the foggiest idea about the harsh unavoidable truths that apply to everyone yet. In any case, we should go somewhat further, when an individual enters the high school stage, then, at that point, that game is presently not honest. There was a feeling of sexy delight in him, and presently his ears were somewhat forward. So the most tunes ride on a person, make my garments trendy. Any other way, the joker will be extremely aware of his clothing. You will be extremely cognizant about the hair style. Make up next to no about everything.

At the point when an individual is around 30

At the point when an individual is around 30 years of age, he will be glad for his pride or his riches. Or then again he will be glad for his situation. Or then again be glad for your political position. You will be pleased with your courage. Since there is energy in the spirit, there is power in it.

At the point when an individual is 50

However, after that,he turns out to be extremely practical. Man, in this 50 phase, the mustache ought not be low. The last stage is that tan here is a potential chance to enrich the individual with riches and overflow of kids. Presently this occurs. Regardless of whether the mustache is low, everything is good to go. Cash, self image, my world, and in this present circumstance, a person is. On account of the last mercury, then, at that point, added to it and put a seal on it. This takshir who is discourse doesn't abandon, there is sufficient abundance that ten ages of you can eat sitting cheerily. Yet, the individuals who are takafir, takfir abundance, are not pursued until the grave is brought down into the grave.

However long they are dangling from the legs and not up to that point, it is compared that this is a pattern of common life. The cycle that is happening in the plant realm. This is our cycle 60 70 years kid was conceived bliss was made. Then, at that point, it is childhood, then high school stage, then, at that point, adulthood. Then, at that point, there is middle age. And afterward there is advanced age. And afterward it is brought down into the grave.

Same as plant realm life cycle

Yet, in the plant realm cycles do happen. As it downpours. So the green shows up. Also, the rancher feels perfect. He enjoys the seed, he buckled down, he ran the arrangement. The heart turns into a nursery as though you have a child and grandson and celebrate satisfaction. Then that gather arrives at its original capacity. Then, at that point, it becomes yellow, it is green and the yield is finished. Presently it has become yellow, then, at that point, the opportunity arrives assuming that it is a weed. Then, at that point, they become residue and afterward they are blended in the dirt. Furthermore, on the off chance that there is a yield, the thing is left pursuing the development is cut? It stays as sawdust. The remainder of this life cycle is going on. It very well might be three months or four months. The plant is once the pattern of human existence, presently it is a profound matter.

Demise will come

The existence of a world is gone through a phase. Advanced age will likewise happen upon that which is conceived. Passing will likewise come. Each human that was conceived kicked the bucket. Presently it is that some place you went through a time on earth in a royal residence A daily existence spent in an enclosure A daily existence spent on somebody's trail.

A daily existence cruises by

Furthermore, it goes through these five . Presently we see youngsters playing in messy roads. They are likewise playing under the water of the channels. They likewise have a game to play in messy garments. She is the existence she plays in front of an audience. Somebody has costly toys and is playing with them. Something different is playing yet she will bring five tennis. In the wake of going to the hereafter, this bifurcation is finished. Either extreme discipline and it is by Allah's absolution and delight.

Know at the last

The final words here are that. The existence of the world is only double dealing. Why, assuming you are lost in the existence of the world, as Iqbal has said that the unbeliever is lost in the skylines of acknowledgment. What's more, the acknowledgment of the devotee that you are in this world, be a searcher on the planet. Also, utilize two, it was made for you. It is a thing to be utilized. Indeed, don't make it simple to notice the halal and the haram.

The other individuals are needed. Know that I am a more unusual here, this isn't my country. Presently the world is just among the devotees, Jannat al-Kafir resembles a bird secured in an enclosure. Along these lines, I have been given the desire of Allah in this world. However long they need. Or on the other hand however our heart won't be here. I have gone through the market, I'm not a purchaser of dark cash, then this is definitely not a false exchange, not a homicide, not in any way shape or form.

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