What is genuine achievement, How to get a handle on Psyche , Feelings and Considerations

 What is the battle to control your Nafs?

On the off chance that confidence fills in the heart, a battle will start inside. On the off chance that I utilize Freud's term, there will be a conflict among inner self and selfness. The craving for yourself is something different. Confidence expresses that there will be a battle. As Pharaoh said. Am I not the ruler? Am I not the leader of the Muslims of Egypt and are not this multitude of channels that are running under my framework?

Similarly, accept that our self says this body is mine. Ismail has a place with me, my desire should be satisfied as he said, I don't realize there is any god other than me or more me, I don't have confidence in ten, even ten says I'm not prepared to accept, what is halal, what is taboo, what is passable,

what is the solution for my desire?

Complete the Jihad against him. The principal floor and that's what you know whether there is a three-story building, then, at that point, the tallest is the third floor, the most significant. The principal floor will turn into the main floor, then the subsequent will be fabricated. For this reason Maulana Rum said, "My spirit isn't not as much as Pharaoh, however he had a military with him. He additionally said with his tongue, 'I'm God, my spirit is poor.'

I say inside this. I'm the lord of this presence. My will is the entire battle against the fundamental self. There is one self, the higher self, and one is this fundamental cell, the young senses, which are visually impaired and hard of hearing, and care very little about halal and haram. The Courier of Allah, harmony and endowments arrive, said: The genuine mujahid is the person who can wage jihad against himself. This foe is sitting inside you and is controlling you. Walk and kill to wage jihad against your foes. tied forward.

Which is the best Jihad?

The Blessed Prophet was asked, O Courier of Allah, O Courier of Allah, which is the best Jihad? He expressed: Battle against yourself and make it dutiful to Allah. There are two sub-levels with it, this power that actuates this word, and Noticeable is additionally the undetectable power, the best Iblees Satan and his detained jinn, and Apparent in people who are his representatives who culture vulgarity. Give the name of these are the followers of this villain, you won't battle against them, on the off chance that you don't embrace a forceful disposition against them, then you will go under their tension.

Why battle against Satan?

O individuals, this villain is your foe, consider him as your foe, he shows you a green nursery, he shows you evil by decorating it, gives him great names, and sets you up not for Madani's retribution, he is your foe, you leave me. Do him and his jail sorcery, you are not making him your companion, battle against Satan and thirdly what is the degree of society assuming that it is debased, its overall propensity towards shrewd, prevailing burden up by period push like on the off chance that somebody In the event that demise is going, it is exceptionally simple to stroll with it, it will take you without anyone else pushing you, strolling against it tends to be truly challenging.

Then there are just two different ways, many times, for instance, possibly it involves cash, or time isn't viable with you. On the off chance that you are making it happen, battle occasionally.

What are the norms?

What are the guidelines that are sitting to us that achievement is because of cash, achievement is because of property, achievement is because of business, achievement is because of popularity, and achievement is because of force? He has arrived at the people who have gained a major business or in which he has made a ton of property. This is a triumph. The entire Musky Gantt will be the idea of accomplishment.

What is genuine progress?

This is the genuine article that is being nullified here, achievement isn't from riches, achievement isn't from distinction, achievement isn't from endlessly influence and government, however achievement is from confidence, honest activity, from the equitable, from the noble, from this disposition.

Alter your perspective assuming you need genuine achievement

An adjustment of the psychological demeanor will achieve an upset in the human character. Presently what is your outcome? Assuming that achievement was because of riches, the law was extremely effective. In the event that achievement was because of government, Pharaoh and Nahum were extremely fruitful. Achievement is for an individual to arrive at the abundance of the law, and regarding riches, influence, domain, and government, he accomplishes the place of Nimrod and Pharaoh. There was nothing, not so much as a hovel was badly designed and there was no house.

Genuine workers of Allah

The Heavenly Prophet has said that a few workers of Allah need to go to a social event yet they are not permitted. Try not to pay attention to anything, yet they have such a situation with Allah that on the off chance that they swear on something even out of distraction, Allah will keep their vow. This is the distinction. Know this well. It is not difficult to say Subhan Allah, yet it is extremely challenging to alter your perspective as needs be on the grounds that we are affected by our current circumstance. Whenever it has passed by you, you feel a urge to keep moving inside the nerves, these are the fortunate individuals, extremely fortunate, exceptionally fruitful, albeit nothing is realized that this might be the best hardship, that this is the best evening.

what is the justification for progress?

Let this matter demonstration your psyche, what is the justification for progress? Check out at the Qur'an ordinarily. Check yourself out. These are the fruitful individuals. You heard those sections in supplication. O devotees, kneel, prostrate, love, and serve your Ruler. Carry out beneficial things so you will find true success. What is achievement? This is the greatest example. The worth design will change today. That one thing that appears to be vital tomorrow will appear to be exceptionally immaterial

What do you think often about this world?

As the hadith of the Prophet said, "What do you care about this world?" My model is that of a rider while stays in the shade of a tree for modest then he takes his direction. He has no long-lasting association with this tree. It isn't his home. It isn't his objective. Likewise, this world isn't my home.

We are voyagers, we need to get back from one Allah to another, the Sacred Prophet expresses, live on the planet as though you are a more unusual or an explorer out and about, yet when will this conduct occur while this refrain has gotten comfortable our brains? Everything I said is that I will say to you why the Sidekicks used to remind one another, since, in such a case that it is snowing, you will go out, and when the snow falls on your garments, you shake your garments so that Let the snow break on our confidence. Living in this world, when we are impacted by the climate, the kidney becomes snow. It should be shaken.

Why Sparkle isn't from things?

The best and best type of shaking is this: recall, achievement is in them. The sparkle isn't from things, what is this sparkle of the world that is enticing you, that you are lost in yourself, this word helps me to remember Iqbal's sonnet that the acknowledgment of the unbeliever is less in the distance and that of the adherent. The information that the misfortune is in it, Afaq, don't be lost in it, don't be astonished by it, don't be stunned, don't let the affection for the world infringe on you, don't allow it to force on your souls.

Genuine achievement

Discharge, then recall, then invigorate your conviction that achievement isn't from riches, achievement isn't from abundance, achievement isn't from influence, achievement isn't from distinction, achievement isn't from property, achievement is from confidence, achievement is from equitable deeds, achievement is from honorableness, achievement is from right. Persistence is the four things that is important for progress.

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